Julie got me some gift certificates, fifty bucks apiece, to Buch Speiler
and Riverwalk Records.
Riverwalk (all vinyl):
Miles Davis: Workin', Steamin', Kind of Blue, 'Round about Midnight,
Sketches of Spain
Coltrane: A Love Supreme, Giant Steps
Cannonball Adderly: Somethin' Else. I think this is possibly the best
trad jazz album ever.
Joe Jackson: I'm the Man. Dollar bin.
Buch Spieler
Dixie Chicks: Taking the Long Way. Good melodies and songwriting. I'm
finding this to stick in my head often,
Fastball: All the pain Money Can Buy. Great Pop stuff, nothing deep or
heavy but just what you're looking for sometimes.
The Essential Leonard Cohen. Gotta have him around.
vinyl, used and need cleaning
Elvis Costello: This Year's Model
Lou Reed: Rock n' Roll Animal. Killer album from someone I once wrote off.
Pinhead: Where Are You? Seminal early '80's Burlington, VT group.
The Knack: Get the Knack. My Sharona.
Asleep at the Wheel: The Wheel. My buddy Ren's uncle Leroy Preston was
a founding member. This is a prime one from when he was still in the group.