Men at Work, Business as Usual

I picked up a copy of Business as Usual on vinyl some time ago, and last night dropped the needle on it and must say that this is one of the finest pieces of 80's pop produced. All these years since it has not only held up, but rather increased in relevance. These five lads whipped up a rockin' new wave sound that wasn't really a product of the slick, synth-heavy times but rather combined elements of that era with a solid pub-rock foundation and great songwriting. Besides the great hits "Who Can It Be Now", "Down Under", and "Be Good Johnny", great songs themselves, the deep tracks really hold their ground, even stand out. I always dug "I Can See it in Your Eyes" as a kid and this one still holds its ground, same for "Touching the Untouchables". And "Down by the Sea", played on a decent mid-fi/modest hi-fi setup, has a touch of ambience to it that really carries it home. I have sort of meant to catch up on frontman Colin Hay's solo career, and with this reintroduction to his early, stellar work I just may need to follow through. This is a five star record.