Saturday, January 13, 2007

Funny shits

So I use a webtracker to keep track of hits to my website.  One nice thing it tells me is where they came to the site from, so that I can see what external links are effective.  Lately I have been ranking well in google, and by proxy many other search engines, so a lot of traffic comes from searches.  Here's a list of recent searches that resulted in site hits and the rank I met:

Rank Search
   applepress homemade, (sweden?)
5    cider ferment slowed, google
18   in-keg carbonation, google
6    deck layout fence dog, google
2    "Angelo Montrone" bad mastering, google (mixtape)
8    "in bottle pasteurization", yahoo
5?   terry bradshaws family, msn
18   www.lost dogs,
1    how to delabel a wine bottle,

Now all that randomness is normal, but I had my best one yet today that made me crack up good:

1    cider shits, yahoo



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