Maybe I am a Yuppie Tool!

Corinne Bailey Rae- my next essential spin????
So I was watching the Grammys the other night, or the first hour anyway since I have a 9:00 bedtime. I need to seriously consider if I'm turning into a tool who buys their cd's off the counter at Starbucks. Actually I don't go to Starbucks, so that's not such a worry, but anyway. I actually wanted to see this Police reunion (not bad but Sting had to sap up 'Roxanne' during the last verse, the bastard) and the Dixies perform. Then I was pretty happy to see that three-way singer/songwriter thing with Corrinne Bailey Rae, John Mayer, and some other dude. I'm not really a Mayer fan, although I like that song from his first (?) album that goes "I want to run through the halls of my high school/I want to scream at the top of my lungs." But I had heard that Bailey Rae tune "Put Your Record On" on the local soft rock station that our shop man plays at work all day, and I really like it. It doesn't help that I've been driving the truck to work lately which only has AM/FM and I end up listening to AOR/AAA radio a bit.
I got Julie a cd by Rachel Yamagata, an artist she heard on XM. I've only given it a background music spin so far, but it ain't bad- female singer-songwriter stuff with lots of piano and stuff. Did I mention I bought the first Norah Jones album on vinyl for $30 on preorder?
Now I'm ripping some cd's onto my work computer to have some tunes to listen to during the day. What's on there? Dixies, Beth Orton, Richard Thompson, Alejandro Escovedo, Ray Davies, the Smithereens last album. Not exactly edgy stuff, but some might fall just a little out of the AAA format if only due to bad sales (chicken or egg?).
I need to fix this. Once I get the Civic out of the shop and can drive with a cd player it's time to crank up some Helmet, maybe a little Slayer, whoop it up with some Snapcase. I think I need to get an album from a band I know little about, Mastodon. That'll cure me. Right? Right?
Then I'll go home and spin the new Cat Power record. Maybe put on R&L Thompson's Shoot Out the Lights. Oh and I think I need to get that Corrinne Bailey Rae record.
But I draw the line at Coldplay.
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